Category: General Diwali Prayer 2023

Diwali Prayer 2023

November 10, 2023 November 14, 2023

Every year, our Hindu and Sikh brothers and sisters celebrate a festival called Diwali. The
devotees around the world light diyas (oil lamps) to symbolize the victory of light over
darkness and good over evil. This is a wonderful opportunity for us to join in prayer that
all people may come to know the True Light that lights everyone (John 1:9). With that in
mind, the GC Global Mission Center for South Asian Religions (CSAR) offers this prayer
guide. Pray with the worldwide Seventh-day Adventist Church during this holiday season
that South Asians may come to know our loving Creator God.

Diwali Prayer Guide 2023
Diwali User Guide 2023
Diwali Greeting Card 2023

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