Spoken Word with Pastor Doug Batchelor
"The Only Safe Shelter in The Last Days" with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
Can the Saved Be Lost?
The Richest Caveman with Pastor Doug Batchelor
"Fig Trees and Pharisees" With Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
"Balaam, Prophet for Sale" with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
"Is Sunday Really Sacred" with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
"Hearing the Voice of God" with Doug Batchelor
"Should You Break A Promise To The Devil?" with Doug Batchelor (Amazing Facts)
"How Can God Save Us Through The Storm" with Doug Batchelor
"Placing Our Children in The Hands of God" with Doug Batchelor
"Sanitizing The Sanctuary" with Doug Batchelor
"The Plotting of the Pharaoh " with Doug Batchelor
To God Be The Glory (But who gets the credit?) with Doug Batchelor
“Having a Fervent Faith” with Doug Batchelor
"The Great Temptation Of Christ" with Pastor Doug Batchelor